Friday, May 11, 2012

Multicultural broshure

I almost forgot to mention the brochure I designed for Multicultural affairs. I got some inspiration for the overall design from some of the tutorials I had done. I felt that a rainbow would be appropriate to include in the design, I also made the paper feel gritty and earthy, I also incorporated an image of alfred state college. Both the images and text are place holders for now until Liz replaces them. Liz Raterman approved of the design and I gave her the psd file to customize herself.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

End of Internship

With the end of my internship I have completed my 168 hours. It was a real learning experience with learning how to interact with a client and make sure that the client receives what they want.

Take Back the Night

A large event that I was asked to make a poster for was "Take Back the Night" rally. The first one I made with an image of my own fist and constructed the stars and the clouds in the background from scratch. I was told that with the first one that Liz Raterman was not fond of that image of the fist and asked me to change it.

So for the second image I used a different image of my fist. In the third version I was given a complete list of the information I needed to put into the poster, because of the amount of information I needed to alter the fist a bit. Liz was not fond of the arrangement of the paragraphs so I straightened them, also I needed to make alterations in the information in both arrangement and content. For the final version Liz wanted me to add more color into the poster so I added some more colorful filters.

Tuts Two

I continued with practicing with tutorials for my internship. Some of the tutorials were better than others, I believe that can be seen in the work below. The image that comes first is the one I did and the one fallowing is tutorial example.

As a reminder these tutorials that I did were in between posters I made for Multicultural affairs.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Posters for Cultural Affairs

Here is the collection of posters that I made for Cultural Affairs. The first one is "Whispering 'Black'" which was a talk about underlying racism. The second poster was "An Evening with Rahul Mehta" which was a visiting talk with a writer local to Alfred.

The next collection of posters is for the upcoming "Tunnel of Oppression" which is an event collaborated between six clubs on the Alfred State campus, each club has their own theme in the event.

The last one so far is "The Aegis Project" poster, it is an event to educate women about emotional, physical and sexual abuse.


This semester I am working for Cultural Affairs at Alfred State. My main job is making posters for special event on Alfred Sponsored by Cultural Affairs. However when ever work is a bit slow I have been practicing in photoshop using photoshop poster tutorials that I have found surfing the internet. Here are all examples of the tutorials I have done so far together with the original. The ones I made come before the originals.

What I have learned from doing these tutorials is how to better utilize photoshop layer effects and photoshop filters. I have also learned some photoshop shortcuts from the tutorials. Also I have learned quite a bit about poster design in general.

Though I would have to say one thing that really bothered me about the tutorials was that many of them requested that you get source images from royalty free websites you must pay to use. Many of them I am not a member of. Basically I had to substitute some source images with ones that I could find with the help of google, The images that I collected from there I only planned to use for these exercises.