Monday, November 28, 2011

Finishing up the Posters

So after replacing some of the images in the posters with some better images that Mary gave me and rearranging the images also I have come up with the finalized basic design. I originally picked a grayish green as the common background color for all three posters but Mary Golden decided that a cream would work better. I had test printed the images and determined that everything seems to be in good proportion. All that is left is to place the text, when Mary Golden has the text to give me that is.

Interior Design Brochure

So while working on the posters I went back and worked on the brochure for the Interior Design Major. I put in the 3d work of students in the front and put in the sketches that some of the students made on the opposite flap. On the inside I placed the images of students featuring their work.

Mary Golden was pleased with the outside of the brochure but she decided on providing me with two different images to replace the images on the inside of the brochure. Also she asked me to update the information on the back of the brochure because it is out of date.

ID Handbook cover and back finished

So while working on the posters I finished the front and back covers for the Interior Design handbook. Mary Golden was very pleased with the result. The only change really made was that I replaced the center most image in the picture line up.

Posters for Interior Design: Library, Peet and MGA

So after the talk with Mary Golden I worked on redesigning and designing the Library poster and the posters for Peet Hall and Main Gate A dormitory. I decided that for the Library and Peet Hall posters I would make the floor plans the main focus. And Mary Golden had mentioned that she would like the Main Gate A pictures feature in the form of before and after pictures. I also decided to change the main colors to colors that came from the spaces themselves.

After reviewing the posters with Mary Golden we determined that first the images appeared too small in the poster after printing them out. Also we determined to shrink the size of the image bar as it was too big and took up too much room. Also she told me to get rid of the color and pattern swatches for good in the library and peet posters. She also asked me to center the images more. She also wanted a common background color in all of the posters. She also discovered that she had better images of the library and peet to give me for the posters that she wanted me to use instead.

Posters for Interior Design

So running with my Third concept for the library poster I made two different versions of the library poster concept in greater detail. I ran with the idea of trees, because a library means books and books are made out of paper and paper is made out of wood from trees. I also thought of the idea of having roots incorporated into the poster, also thought that maybe Mary Golden would perfer more organization in the poster, so I made a second detail concept.

Mary Golden decided that she preferred the picture bar closer to the bottom of the poster and that she would like the background to be more simple and focus more on the blue print floor plan of the library. She also mentioned that she would like the basic design of the library poster present in the other three posters.

Making posters for Interior Design

At the start of November Mary Golden asked me to create 3 posters featuring students work around campus. I started working on possible designs for the poster of the library.

The colors where picked because they are similar to the school colors. Since I never worked on large posters before I just decided to get creative. My favorite was the third concept, Mary Golden did like the bar near the bottom of concept 3, but I don't think she cared for everything else. Since she seemed to favor that one I went on to try and develop it more.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Brochure for Interior Design

 In the first week in october while still working on the handbook I started working on redesigning the brochure for the Interior Design major. Mary Golden had sent me a digital copy of the majors brochure, which included all of the text that would be in the brochure to promote the major. I began to design it around the same line concept of the hand book

After going over it with Mary Golden she determined that there were some images that she wanted to trade out. She described that she wanted the front of the brochure to feature finished and polished images with no drawings or blueprints. The back is where she wishes to put the process images. Then on the inside she wishes to show more images of students and faculty working. Getting a hold of pictures with the later has proved to be difficult since she wants to get a hold of a student of hers that she is sure has student and faculty involved pictures. Mary Golden is yet to update me on what the situation is with the pictures the student has. This is what is done so far.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Working for the Interior Design Major

So on september the 19th I started working for Mary Golden to help promote the Interior Design Major. The first thing I was given to work on was the cover and back of the hand book for the Interior Design department. Mary golden wanted a design that was a bit more modern and still showcased student work. I came up with two possible different designs.

She preferred the concept design with the line drawing of one of her students work, although she did not like the text I chose for the cover on that one, she preferred something simpler. So after I collected more photos of student work I went to work on the cover and back of the Interior Design handbook this was what I came up with.

For the most part Mary Golden was pleased although she requested I trade out the center most photo with I another piece of student work, I also need to place the alfred state logo on the back. I have yet to revise the cover and back as of yet, this is what is done of it so far.

Friday, August 26, 2011

In need of Internship

As required by my Community service class I have made a blog. And will be most likely be talking about my future internship work.